Thursday, January 27, 2005

Nothing like snubbing a slashdotter

Got really infuriated by a posting by stupid linux-only idiots on slashdot (on the eve of sun releasing the sources for solaris.) This was my reply...

Numbskulls like you deserve to be sued the shit ouf of, by someone like SCO. Learn to give credit where it's due. All you ingrates at slashdot will one day realise that calling sun evil & throwing the Linux buzzword takes you nowhere. Can you count upto 10 million? No? That's how many lines of code sun will be giving up. They're opening up their crown jewel.They didn't have to do that. S10 has enough great features to make it scorch the market, beating your low end, kick ass cheap linux servers hollow. They did that to reiterate their commitment for the community. They've ALWAYS given more to the community that IBM or HP. The latter 2 are the evil ones, hoodwinking shortsighted slashdotters by throwing the Linux word. Yes. Linus torvalds did a great thing by giving away the kernerl free. But so will sun now. FREE.OPEN SOURCE. Enough is enough. You now have a SUPERIOR OS open sourced. Go with it or be left behind, using some ancient linux version and dancing to the tunes of IBM & HP. btw, look at the 500 patents IBM has given out & the 1670 that sun has.You'll see that sun's patents pertain to current,hot, bleeding edge technologies. And of course, i shouldn't even mention HP. Who cares even they give out the code for ALL their rickety management software and the legacy HP-UX. They're just an integrator, an imaging & printing company. They never have & never will matter.Time you saw the light, ungrateful, dim witted slashdotters!I'm sick of your brainless anti-sun rhetoric.Use some logic.Get your grey cells working. There's nothing wrong in supporting another open source initiative for a superior OS. And this has nothing to do with M$, for chistsake.

Here's the original thread...

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